While we are on the topic of trending topics, Cyril Ramaphosa was at Wits University earlier this week to inform the students there about the National Development Plan and as usual the geniuses of twitter decided to inform all of us how useless it is and how unrealistic it is. I had the opportunity of interacting with Trevor Manuel last year and spoke to him about one of the issues the NDP is trying to address by the year 2030 and although I don't really want to get into it the details on the NDP it is sad that South Africans who probably haven't bothered to even read the executive summary of the NDP have already begun to criticize and reject it simply because it comes from the government. In a country that is filled with so much negativity politically I personally think this is the 1 thing every South African should participate in and at least get familiar with. Even if all the targets and/or goals aren't meant if the country as a whole can all be focused into working on this one goal there is a lot we can achieve as a nation in the fight against poverty. If the NDP says we need to create 10 jobs by the year 4000 and we all get together and try to make that happen and we end up creating 8 we have done a lot more than just sitting around behind our keyboards and 'reckoning' the NDP is useless. Being allowed to vote and electing our own leaders democratically means nothing when the costs of living are still keeping the majority of our people trapped in financial chains locked into appalling living conditions while a select few enjoy the advantages of 'freedom'. Immortal Technique said "Democracy is just a word when the people are starving" if the NDP is attempting to give a solution all the cunthounds out there should stop the cuntary and keep and open mind.
While we are on the topic of South Africa, the South African soccer team Bafumbler-Bafumbler lost to Zimbabwe this week. In a country that just hosted the world cup and was left millions of dollars to invest in development and footballing infrastructure it is inexcusable to be losing to (with complete disrespect to Zimbabwe) teams of that level. Our two other main sporting codes cricket and rugby are consistently near at the very top of the world rankings, yet the scumbags running the administration fail to address the need to implement proper development structures at grass roots level to the most popular sport in the country. Instead Sedibe and co keep embarrassing us by being involved in match fixing investigations and a lack of knowledge for the rules surely I am not the only fan who feels the day of 'reckoning' has come for the whole SAFA administration, if we keep going like this it will be another 150 years till we participate in an international competition and even then it will be due to us being hosts.
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