Thursday, 12 April 2012

So this a blog ermh...

So this is what we do when we are bored and procrastinating from studying instead of going to the gym and actually doing something worthwhile with our lives we sit and write about pretty much nothing useful or in my case attempt to write. Well in case you were wondering this is a blog ermh I guess you already knew that, what I mean to say is that this is a blog about pretty much anything that is worth thinking about from women, to sport, to the best part of the day (that dump in the toilet after a long day yup that one), to those irritating individuals who pretty much feel the need to wake up in the morning and not take a shower before going to school or work in the morning leaving the rest of the world to deal with their smelly selves on an already blue Monday (did I mention my Mondays are virtually free? no? well they are!). If you are expecting a blog filled with vivid imagery and excellent grammar explain the complexities of the hall patch equation or predicting economic trends and how kodak will be bankrupt in 100 years from now when pretty much everyone on this planet will be dead you are sadly mistaken and I regret to inform you that the Sunday times is available on Sundays and you should probably fuck off and go have a read to there, for one my grammar is weak at best and the topics I write about are also well for the average human being who is just well short off a life and would rather read a blog by a nobody well. On a more serious note to those who read I hope you enjoy and tell others to have a read to those who only read once have a good life and I hope you dream about unicorns and cab drivers at night...      

1 comment:

  1. hahaha what an introduction. One thing though, you forgot to mention that we'd also greatly appreciate it if B*tch N*ggers kindly refrained from commenting on this blog lol.
