Do you know why these grown black men are crying? Charles Darwin never did his fucking job properly that's why! The slightly above average good looking black woman gets 'macked' on approximately 15 times a week according to qualitative ground theory research performed at a top institution, considering girls start developing proper boobs at the age of 16(size of the boobs is directly proportional to an individuals gets-macked-on-coefficient) by the time she reaches 21 she has been 'macked' on over 3000 times. Considering she's not interested in 99.92% of the guys who try to stick their peepee in her weewee she will develop a natural defense mechanism to 'mack' (its fucking science Charles Darwin said so don't argue). A black women will get brutal when a black man approaches, she will rip his heart out and feed it raw to his children while keeping him alive to watch! It's evolution! After 1000s of years of not-good-enough men trying their luck with black women it's now coded in their DNA they don't control it and they can't be blamed carvela owners in floral uzzi shirts have caused this by always trying to mack! It's evolution!
Yet there is a solution for you black men! You don't have to endure this cut throat brutality from black women! An equally good qualitative study from the same top quality institution has found that white women only get courted on a Thursday night at tiger-tiger by drunk white guys with low game-coefficients (a measure of a male's ability to convince a woman to engage in coitus with him). The natural defense mechanism developed by black women has thus not been passed onto their white counter parts, but instead the defense mechanism has led to the game-coefficient of black men to be significantly higher than that of their white counter parts. It's evolution! the lack of a defense mechanism from white women and the unnaturally high game-coefficient of black men means...well you can figure that out
Over time the roles will reverse and the lack of attention to black women will lead to them losing their natural defense mechanism (because Charles Darwin...) and white women gaining one. At this point black men will just switch back to the females with a lower defense system.
Thank me when you are handling that long legged blond woman with blue eyes you stud motherfuckers! You are free now don't let the shackles of black women chain you! Darwin never told you about this part of evolution but I did!
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